为了探讨牛布鲁氏菌544A株感染巨噬细胞的c DNA文库中筛选与Omp22相互作用的蛋白,对布鲁氏菌的致病机理进行研究。将布鲁氏菌细胞膜可分为3组:第1组为94 k Da的外膜蛋白,第2组为41-43 k Da外膜蛋白,第3组为22-31 k Da的外膜蛋白。第1组外膜蛋白只是外膜蛋白的一小部分;第2组外膜蛋白是布鲁氏菌细胞外膜孔道蛋白;第3组外膜蛋白是由两种相关的22 k Da蛋白和31 k Da蛋白组成,31 k Da蛋白已经被证实了是一类细胞外膜孔道蛋白,而22 k Da蛋白(Omp22)的功能还不是很清楚。酵母双杂交技术是一种常用的而且有效地研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用的方法,已经广泛的应用到蛋白研究领域。本实验采用Cyto Tra P酵母双杂交系统,以Omp22为诱饵,从牛布鲁氏菌544A株感染巨噬细胞的c DNA文库中筛选与Omp22相互作用的蛋白,对布鲁氏菌的致病机理进行阐述,探索Omp22在布鲁氏菌致病中的作用。
to investigate the screening of the proteins interacting with Omp22 c DNA Library of infected macrophages anti idiotyic vaccine544 A,research on the pathogenesis of brucellosis. [Methods]Brucella cell membrane could be divided into 3 groups: group first 94 k Da outer membrane protein,second groups of 41 – 43 k Da outer membrane protein,third groups of 22 – 31 k Da outer membrane protein. First groups of outer membrane protein was only a small part of the outer membrane protein of Brucella outer membrane protein; second groups of porins; third groups of outer membrane protein was composed of two kinds of 22 k Da protein and 31 k Da protein,31 k Da protein had been shown to be a class of porins,whereas 22 k Da protein( Omp22) function was not clear. The yeast two hybrid technology was one of the common and effective to study protein-protein interaction method,had been widely applied in protein research. [Conclusion]this experiment adopted the Cyto Tra P yeast two hybrid system,using Omp22 as a bait,to screen for proteins interacting with Omp22 from the c DNA Library of infected macrophages anti idiotyic vaccine 544 A,pathogenic mechanism of Brucella were expounded,explored the pathogenic role of Omp22 in brucella.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences