
基于谱系数的反对称变量检测算法 被引量:1

The algorithm of antisymmetric logical variable detection based on the spectral technique
摘要 为简化布尔函数6类反对称变量的检测过程,提出了基于谱系数的检测算法.从逻辑变量反对称的定义出发,在分析反对称逻辑变量Rademacher-Walsh(RW)变换谱系数特性的基础上,提出了基于RW变换检测CN(xi|xj)、CE(xi|xj)、CS(xi|xj)、CS(xi|xj)、CS(xj|xi)、CS(xj|xi)6类反对称逻辑变量的算法.应用结果表明,该方法具有易操作和计算机编程简单等优点. We propose a new symmetry detection algorithm based on the spectral technique in order to simplify the process of detecting 6 types of antisymmetric variables in the Boolean function. According to the antisymmetry defi- nition of the logical variables, a new antisymmetric detection algorithm used for identifying six types of antisymmet- ric logical variables including CN(xi |xj), CE(xi |xj), CS(xi |xj), CS(xi |xj), CS(xj |xi) and CS(xj |xi) is pro- posed, which resolves the lack of the effective methods for identifying antisymmetric variables. The application re- sults show that this method is convenient for the operation and suitable for computer programming.
作者 厉晓华
出处 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期306-309,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60971061)
关键词 Rademacher-Walsh变换 谱技术 反对称 逻辑变量 Rademacher-Walsh transform spectral technique antisymmetry logical variable
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