
欧盟亚太政策转向“新接触主义”?--理解欧盟国家加入亚投行的行为逻辑 被引量:16

EU's Asia-Pacific Policy:A New Engagement? How to Understand the Behavior Logic in the EU Member States' Entry into AIIB
摘要 本文对欧盟国家加入亚投行的过程、动因及其影响进行了分析,认为欧盟国家没有追随美国"抵制"亚投行而是积极参与,并非意味着欧美的"分裂",与之相反,这是欧美协调一致的结果。欧盟国家加入亚投行不仅仅是追求经济利益,而且是近年来欧盟亚太政策转向"新接触主义"的体现,其试图通过加入亚投行来对中国的"一带一路"战略施加影响,为亚太可能出现的变局及早准备,但这也为中国通过投资和金融合作"锁定"中欧战略关系、建立亚欧大市场提供了机遇。 After an analysis of the process,motivations and implications of the EU member states' entry into the AⅡB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank),this paper comes to the conclusion that the European countries' active participation into the AIIB rather than boycotting it following the US does not mean a split between the US and Europe.Instead,it is the result of the close coordination and cooperation between the two sides.By joining the AⅡ B,the EU member states aim not only at obtaining economic profits,but at constructing a new engagement policy towards the Asia-Pacific.In addition,the EU intends to exert influences on China's 'One Belt and One Road' strategy and to make preparations for the changes that may take place in the Asia-Pacific region.However,it also provides opportunities for China to accelerate the establishment of a Eurasian single market through cooperation in the field of investment and finance by 'locking in' its strategic relationships with the EU.
作者 赵柯
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期16-28,5-6,共13页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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