摘要横纹肌溶解症(Rhabdomyolysis)是指任何原因引起的广泛横纹肌细胞坏死,其结果是肌细胞内容物外漏至细胞外液及血液循环中,并可导致急性肾功能衰竭、电解质紊乱等一系列并发症,病情凶险,预后差。诊断标准:血清肌酸肌酶( CK )>2000 U/L。临床表现为肌强直或疼痛、重症肌无力、尿色异常。最常见的是胖肠肌和腰背部肌肉出现痉挛性疼痛、压痛、肌无力[1]。
1Cziraky, M. J. , Willey, V. J. , McKenney, J. M. , et al. Risk of hospitalized rhabdomyolysis associated with lipid--lower ing drugs in a real--world clinical setting[J]. Journal of clinical lipidology, 2013,7 (2): 102-108. 被引量:1
2Ginanneschi, F. , Volpi, N. , Giannini, F. , et al. P, habdomyol ysis in an elderly multitreated actions cal Sciences withdrawal patient: MultipIe drug inter- [J]. Journal of the Neurologi- of the World Federation of Neurology, 2014,336(1/2) :284-287. 被引量:1
3Gabb,G. M. , Vitry, A. , Limaye, V. , et al. Serious statin-- associated myotoxicity and rhabdomyolysis in aboriginal and torres strait islanders: A case series[J]. Internal medicine journal,2013,43(9) :987 992. 被引量:1
4Desjardins, M. , Strange, B. Pre -- hospital treatment of traumatic rhabdomyolysis[J].Emergency nurse., the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association, 2013,21(8):28 -33. 被引量:1