
激光在口腔种植中的应用 被引量:16

Oral laser application in dental implantology
摘要 激光是继种植后的口腔医学新技术,正在逐渐受到重视、推广和发展。学者和临床医生也对激光在口腔种植中的应用进行了广泛探索。由于激光具有软组织切割疼痛轻、出血少、术后反应小等特点,较早即应用于二期手术暴露埋入式种植体、种植体周围软组织修整与塑形及切开翻瓣手术等方面,效果满意。应用Er∶YAG或Er,Cr∶YSGG激光还可以进行骨修整、种植窝洞预备、块状骨移植的取骨术、上颌窦底提升术的骨窗预备、牙槽嵴骨劈开术等。目前应用广泛并具有独特优势的是治疗种植体周围炎,包括多种波长激光和光动力疗法。此外,激光还被认为有促进骨结合的作用,弱激光对促进组织愈合以及减轻术后反应的作用也使激光可以参与种植修复的整个治疗过程。但需要重视的是,我们应该了解不同波长激光的特性及操作规范,以减少对种植体表面和种植体周围组织的影响,充分利用激光的优势以获得更好的临床效果。 Laser is the next new technology of dentistry after dental implantology, and gradually gains attention, pro- motion and development. Because of the characteristics of less pain and bleeding and postoperative reaction in cutting soft tis- sue, laser has long been applied to the second stage operation, exposing submerged implants, peri-implant soft tissue plasty and remodeling, incision and flap operation. With Er:YAG/Er, Cr:YSGG laser, we can also operate on hard tissue, and perform alveolectomy, implant bed preparation, block bone aug- mentation, bone window preparation for sinus lift and alveolar crest split, etc. At present, laser has been widely used and has the unique advantage in the treatment of peri-implantitis, ineluding multi wavelength laser and photodynamic therapy. In addition, there is an evidence suggesting that certain types of laser have a role in promoting osseointegration, promoting tissue healing and reducing postoperative reaction, which makes oral laser be involved in the whole procedure of implant restoration. We should understand the characteristics and operation specifications of different wavelength laser, in order to make full use of the advantages of laser to improve clinical outcome, with minimal damage on the tissue around and the implant.
作者 李倩
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2015年第4期203-208,共6页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 2013年北京协和医院中青年科研基金项目(pumch-2013-010)
关键词 牙种植 激光 波长 激光-组织相互作用 种植体周围炎 dental implants lasers wavelength laser in-teraction with tissue periimplantitis
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