【目的】探讨不同因子对贡菊组培苗壮苗和生根的影响,为贡菊离体快繁体系的建立提供试验依据。【方法】以贡菊组培苗为材料,采用在MS培养基中添加不同添加物的组织培养技术。【结果】壮苗培养基配方中150 m L/L大量元素有利于贡菊组培苗的生长;添加100 g/L椰子汁对贡菊组培苗的生长有明显促进作用;生根培养基中加入活性炭有利于组培苗根系的形成;添加一定浓度α-萘乙酸(NAA)与3-吲哚丁酸(IBA)能促进组培苗根系数量增多和根的生长。【结论】提高大量元素、降低培养基中琼脂浓度、添加椰子汁和生长激素有利于贡菊组培苗的壮苗生长;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+0.05 mg/L NAA+0.05 mg/L IBA。
Objective To explore the effect of different factors on strengthening the tissue culture seedlings and roots of Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju, so as to provide experimental basis for establishing an in-vitro rapid propagation system of Dendranthema morifolium. Methods The experiment took Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju tissue culture seedling as the studying object. By using tissue culture technology, different additives were added into the MS medium. Results In the seedling-strengthening culture medium, 150 mL/L of macro-element was beneficial to the growth of tissue culture seedlings of Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju. The culture medium with 100 g/L of coconut milk added could obviously promote the growth of Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju tissue culture seedlings. And activated carbon added to the rooting culture medium could induce the formation of tissue culture root system of Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. The addition of α-naphthaleneacetic acid ( NAA) and indolebutyric acid ( IBA) at certain concentrations could promote the amount and the growth of the roots. Conclusion The tissue culture seedlings of Dendranthema morifolium ( Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju are boosted by increasing the amount of macro-element, reducing the concentration of agar in the culture medium and adding coconut milk and growth hormones to the culture medium. The optimal rooting culture medium is a compound of 1/2MS, NAA 0.05 mg/L and IBA 0.05 mg/L.
Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat) Tzvel. cv. Gongju/growth&development
Tissue culture
Strengthening seedling