
牧草生产潜力模拟模型及其应用 被引量:2

Forage potential production simulation model and its application
摘要 牧草生产潜力模拟模型(For-PASM)是模拟牧草的生长和产量形成的应用模型。For-PASM包括常年模拟和牧草品种参数调试两个系统。各系统包含生长周期、叶面积动态、收割期与收割次数及光合生产和产量等模块。牧草的生长发育是由气候因素决定的,依据积温来确定牧草生育期和收获期,禾本科以抽穗期为收获期,豆科牧草以初花期为收获期。模型的功能是模拟牧草的收获期、产量季节性动态以及年产量。用四川雅安市多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam)和扁穗牛鞭草(Hemarthria compressa)生产数据进行检验。结果显示,For-PASM在模拟牧草收割期和牧草季节性的产量动态中,季节性干物质产量动态趋势与总产量均符合实际。 Forage potential production adaptation simulation model (For-PASM) simulates forage growth and pro- duction of cool- and warm-season species. This model has a normal simulation system and a parameter regulation system. Each of them has several modules, including development stage and date, dynamic changes of leaf area index, harvest date and times, photosynthesis, and daily and total annual biomass accumulation. Plant development is driven by temperature, with duration of growth stages dependent on accumulated heat units (AHU). Harvest date is calculated by AHU required for heading stage development for grasses and the budding stage for legumes. Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) and whipgrass (Hemarthria compressa) yield data were used to validate the model in Yaan, Sichuan province. The result showed that the model could be used to predict the growing progress and seasonal and annual yield.
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期322-327,共6页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 四川省13年学术带头人培养项目
关键词 生产潜力模拟模型 牧草产量模拟 冷季型牧草 暖季型牧草 多花黑麦草 扁穗牛鞭草 forage potential production adaptation simulation model (For-PASM) forage production simulation cool-season forage . warm-season forage Loliummultiflorum Lain Hemarthria compressa
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