Alopecia areata is a common lesion of skin accessory organs. It is a chronic skin disease characterized by the head hair falling off suddenly in plaque forms. And it can be caused by many factors. But traditional Chinese medicine (TCM for short) believes that alopecia areata is related to deficiency of liver and kidney, asthenia of essence and blood and wind-sheng and blood-heat which belong to the"oil wind" category of TCM. Clinical syndrome differentiation of alopecia areata can be divided into the wind blood dryness syndrome,qi and blood stasis syndrome,qi and blood deficiency syndrome and liver andkidney deficiency syndrome. TCM applies the syndrome differentiation treatment,the overall concept and its unique therapy to the treatment of alopecia areata. Comprehensive therapy includes TCM for internaluse, TCM for external use, acupuncture treatment, combination of TCM with acupuncture and so on. And the treatment of alopecia areata has good clinical curative effect. Modem pharmacological studies have shown that TCM can make the immune system in disorder restore to a balanced state,adjust vegetativenerves,change microenvironment of local skin,improve nerve nutrition and blood circulation of hair follicle root, and make the hair follicles in a shrinking and still state restore to grow. Especially, acupuncture can adjust Yin and Yang,dredge the meridian and activate qi and blood. TCM has unique advantages and curative effects in the treatment of alopecia areata. And its side effects are less. So TCMhas been widely applied in clinic.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
Alopecia areata
traditional Chinese medicine therapy