Under the influence of academic theories of numerous physicians of TCM such as Li Gao and Li Zhong-zi in antient China, Professor Jia Chun-sheng proposed the academic thought of tonifying spleen and kidney in combination with acupuncture based on his clinical experience for decades. In clinical practice of acupuncture, Zhongwan (中脘 CV 12), bilateral Tianshu (天枢 ST 25), Qihai (气海 CV 6), Guanyuan (关元 CV4) are often selected to invigorate spleen so as to nourish original qi and to treat both spleen and kidney. The above-mentioned five acupoints form a pattern similar to a star according to their location distribution, so it is called the starlike selection method of acupoints, which attaches importance to spleen and kidney (original qi). Many diseases, especially internal injuries, are often treated with the starlike acupuncture manipulation combined with acupuncture at other acupoints, which achieves good clinical efficacy.