
反思成员资格政治——兼论公民身份观念的当代适用性 被引量:3

Reflecting upon Membership-based Politics——Also On the Contemporary Applicability of the Notion of Citizenship
摘要 成员资格政治是一种排他性的政治。作为成员资格政治的一种特殊类型,公民身份政治通过普遍权利体系的建立而实现了对全体社会成员的普遍包容。但由于这一权利体系自身的矛盾,权利上的平等并没有消除现实中的不平等,反而成为了现实不平等的合法化工具。近年来,随着移民问题的普遍出现,公民身份政治的排他性进一步凸显。在全球化的时代,我们需要一种合作政治,这种政治将在根本上超越成员资格的观念。 Membership-based politics is an exclusive form of politics. As a special type of membership-based politics, citizenship-based politics can realize the universal inclusiveness for all members of a society by establishing a general system of rights, yet due to its own contradictions, the equality in rights cannot eliminate inequality in reality, but turns into the le- gitimizing instrument for actual inequality. In recent years, with the widespread problem of migrant population, the exclu- sive nature of citizenship-based politics is more obvious. In the era of globalization, we need a cooperation-based politics, which will transcend the notion of membership in essence.
作者 张乾友
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期92-99,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目"行动世界中的社会治理"(14FZZ008)的阶段性成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2062014278) 江苏服务型政府建设研究基地(南京理工大学)开放基金项目资助
关键词 成员资格 公民身份 公民权利 移民 membership citizenship civil rights migrant population
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