为进一步认识高原涡对盆地西南地区暴雨过程的影响,总结该区域暴雨预报经验,本文利用2001~2011年高原涡切变线年鉴、MICAPS实况天气图、盆地西南地区气象站日降雨量资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对引起盆地西南地区暴雨过程的高原涡特征进行总结分析,得到结论:1)引发盆地西南地区产生暴雨量级以上降雨的高原涡过程多发生在每年7月;高原涡东移将对盆地西南地区产生明显降雨;48小时后大部分高原涡减弱消失,少数继续东移或东南移;2)引发盆地西南地区产生暴雨的高原涡通常是暖性高原涡,高原涡东移48小时后有明显的冷平流入侵转变成斜压性低涡;这一类高原涡常常与高原切变、西南低涡、副高、低空急流以及南亚高压等影响系统相配合,共同作用产生一次暴雨过程;3)引发的盆地西南地区暴雨的高原涡过程的温湿场特征为:500h Pa高原东部到盆地上空的大气高温高湿的特征明显,700h Pa和850h Pa盆地高温高湿,同时垂直上升运动旺盛且随高度向北倾斜。
In order to get further understanding the of Tibetan Plateau vortex's influences to the storm rain in southwest Sichuan Basin and to summarize the storm rain prediction experiences of this region,by using the Tibetan Plateau vortex and shearline yearbook 2001 ~ 2011,historical MICAPS weather graphs,daily rainfall data in southwest Sichuan Basin and NCEP FNL global data,the characteristics of Tibetan Plateau vortex causing storm rain in southwest Sichuan Basin are analyzed. Results show: 1) The main influence time of Tibetan Plateau vortex to storm rain in southwest Sichuan Basin in one year is July.2) The Tibetan Plateau vortex moves to east and lead to clear rain in southwest Sichuan Basin,then turns to be weak and disappear. 3) The Tibetan Plateau vortex with clear rain influence in southwest Sichuan Basin is usually warm vortex after generation in Plateau and then turns to be baroclinic vortex within 48 hours,with strong cold air flow invasion advection in it. 4) The Tibetan Plateau vortex with influence to southwest Sichuan Basin usually accompanies with Plateau shear lines and under clear blocking situation background. There are southwest low Jiulong vortexes nearby the vortex,when most Tibetan Plateau vortex moves eastly,accompanying with low level jet air flow or high south wind air flow and coordination with South Asian High in high level. 5) The storm rain weather process in southwest Sichuan Basin caused by Tibetan Plateau vortex has clear high temperature and moisture characters over Plateau sky,and with clear vertical ascending air flow and leaning to north with the altitude ascending,and this is be good for the air convection development.
Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Research
plateau vortex, torrential rain, weather systems