为了解决船舶方案设计中面临的方案生成和决策问题,引入多目标遗传算法和综合评价方法,将船舶主尺度确定转换为多目标优化和决策评价问题,使用第二代快速非劣解排序的多目标遗传算法(NSGA II),在一个迭代周期获得多个可行解,采用主成分分析方法对备选解进行综合评价,按照主成分得分给出比较排序。以一艘水面船舶在概念设计阶段的船型主尺度论证为例,数值结果表明所采用的方法是可行的且具有较好的适应性。
The generation and decision making of ship designs is an important task for engineers.A two-phase solution method is provided to find final compromise design.The fast non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm ( NSGA II) is used to find the Pareto set of the ship design problem.The principle component analysis ( PCA) is applied to evaluate the optional design plan comprehensively.The scores of principle factors are calculated, and total scores are obtained according to the weights of each component.A surface ship example is presented to illustrate the proposed analysis process.
Ship & Ocean Engineering