在采煤沉陷区建立三维Web GIS平台,实现沉陷区数据三维可视化,提供用户便捷有效的数据管理、分析、浏览、查询服务,并为采煤沉陷区环境治理提供决策依据具有重要意义。Google Earth API和Java Script技术的结合,能够实现在Google地球上绘制标记、线条和多边形、投射图片、添加3D模型及载入KML文件,在网页上实现几乎所有Google Earth功能。本文以淮南煤矿为研究区,基于Google Earth API,结合Web GIS理论,采用Java Script技术,面向采煤沉陷区数据集中管理与可视化,设计开发了集空间数据、属性信息和专题分析于一体的采煤沉陷区三维可视化平台,有效管理矿区多源数据,提供数据可视化浏览、查询与飞行模拟等功能,有助于沉陷区生态环境问题的综合分析,为沉陷区生态环境治理和恢复提供决策支持。
Underground coal mining leads to ground subsidence that adversely impacts the environment. So it is significant to develop a three-dimensional WebGIS in the coal mining subsidence area to provide visualisation of geospatial information which helps multiple stakeholders to contribute to a more collaborative ecological environment govern and recover planning process of coal mining subsidence area. The Google Earth API enables developers to embed Google Earth applications into Web pages. With JavaScript code, the API can display place marks, lines, polygons, overlays, and 3D models on the imagery, just as the standalone versions as Google Earth can. According to WebGIS theory, this study developed a three-dimensional visualization platform of Huainan coal mining subsidence area based on Google Earth API and Javascript technology. The platform contains spatial data, attributes, thematic analysis and provides multi-source data management, information inquiry, flight simulation in order to assist managers in taking a long-term holistic approach to integrated subsidence area managements decisions. The regional characteristics of Huainan mine area, key technology, data and system functions were explicitly demonstrated, and it was a good reference for other systems.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory