

Relationship and interaction between smoking quantity or dopamine receptor D1 gene polymorphisms with abdominal obesity
摘要 目的探讨多巴胺受体(DRDl)基因多态性和吸烟量与向心性肥胖的关系,分析DRDl基因型对吸炯量和肥胖的关联是否存在修饰作用。方法以多级随机抽样方法,选择519名现在吸烟男性为调查对象,其中向心性肥胖者240名为病例组,腰围正常者279名为正常对照组,并调查两组人群的人口学特征及吸烟行为等信息,采集静脉血并采用改进的多重高温连接酶检测反应技术(improved multiple ligase detection reaction,IMLDR)单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分型技术对DRDl上SNP位点rs4867798、rs265981和rs4532进行多态性检测。采用logistic回归模型控制混杂因素后,分析吸烟量和DRDl基因多态性对向心性肥胖的主效应及相乘交互作用;基于相加模型进一步采用在线Excel计算相加交互作用指标,分析吸烟量和DRDl基因多态性对向心性肥胖的相加交互作用。结果单因素分析发现,职业、文化程度、喝茶、规律运动和体质指数(BMI)在腰围正常组和向心性肥胖组的分布差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。经logistic回归模型控制混杂因素后分析发现,吸烟量〉15支/d者与向心性肥胖呈显著正关联(OR=2.57,95%CI:1.25~5.26),未发现有相乘交互作用。用相加模型分析发现,与每天吸炯量1~15支者且携带3个基因位点的突变型相比,每天吸烟量大于15支且基因型为野生型者与向心性肥胖显著正关联(OR=3.04,95%CI:l.01~9.17;OR=4.48,95%CI:1.27-15.83;OR=3.63,95%CI.1.13-11.74),每天吸烟量大于15支且携带rs4867798突变型者与向心性肥胖最著正关联(OR=2.40,95%C1:1.01~5.66)。根据相加模型的交互作用指标交互作用指数(S)、交互作用归因比(AP)和交互作用超额相对危险度(R朋,)分析,未发现每Ef吸炯量与DRDl基因3个位点的多态性对向心性肥胖有相加交互效应。结论� Objective To explore the relationship of smoking quantity or dopamine receptor D I (DRD 1 ) gene polymorphisms with abdominal obesity and to analyze whether DRD1 genotypes moderate the association between smoking quantity and abdominal obesity. Methods The muhi-stage random sampling method was used to select 519 male smokers as the subjects, who were divided into case group (240 subjects with abdominal obesity) and control group (279 subjects with normal waistline). The demographic characters and smoking behavior were investigated for two groups. The genetic polymorphisms of DRDI were detected with improved multiple ligase detection reaction (IMLDR) technology for SNPs at rs4867798, rs265981 and rs4532. A series of multivariate logistic regression models were performed to assess the main effects and interaction effects of smoking quantity and DRD1 gene polymorphisms on abdominal obesity with adjustment for confounding factor. Results Single factor chi- square test indicated that occupation, education, tea, regular activity and body mass index (BMI) were significantly different in two groups (P〈0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that smoking quantity (〉 15 cigarettes/day) was correlated positively to abdominal obesity (OR=2.57, 95%CI: 1.25-5.26) without interaction effects. The generalized addictive model analysis demonstrated that as compared with smokers (1-15 cigarettes/day) with mutation type at 3 gene sites (rs4867798, rs265981 and rs4532), in smokers (〉15 cigarettes/day) with wild type at 3 gent sites (rs4867798, rs265981 and rs4532) the smoking quantity was correlated positively to abdominal obesity (OR=3.04, 95%CI: 1.01-9.17; OR=4.48, 95%CI: 1.27-15.83; OR=3.63, 95%(3: 1.13-11.74). In smokers (〉15 cigarettes/day) with mutation type at rs4867798 site, the smoking quantity was correlated positively to abdominal obesity (0R=2.40, 95%CI: 1.01-5.66). According to the indicators of S, A P and RERI, there was no a
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2015年第4期266-270,共5页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
关键词 吸烟 基因多态性 向心性肥胖 多巴胺受体 Smoking Genetic polymorphisms Abdominal obesity Dopamine receptor
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