Quantitative research of water circulation and utilization in the soil-plant system is the basis for rational use of agricultural water. In this study, a systematic investigation of the optimal irrigation rate and time by numerical simulations for various soils is carried out using HYDRUS-1D model. Three typical and contrasting soils, including sandy loam, loam and clay loam, are used in the simulations. Surface runoff during irrigation and water content distribution in the soil profile immediately after irrigation as well as 24 hours after irrigation are simulated. The results reveal that the sandy loam can subject to a great irrigation rate; even for the ir- rigation rate of 5 cm/h, no significant surface runoff occurs after 2 h irrigation; however, for both the loam and clay loam, the maxi- mum irrigation rates without significant runoff are greatly reduced; the maximum rate is about 1.25 cm/h and 0.4 cm/h for the loam and clay loam, respectively; the 24 h soil wetting depth after the 2 h maximum irrigation rate for reached to 61 cm in the sandy loam, compared with that of 34 cm and 18 cm in the loam and clay loam. This indicates that irrigation can wet the root zone of deep-rooted crops in the sandy loam, while it can only wet the root zone for shallow-rooted crops in the loam and clay loams. Furthermore, it is simulated that the 24 h soil wetting depth after irrigation is considerably greater than that immediately after irrigation, suggesting that the movement of irrigation water in the soil should be taken into consideration in estimating soil wetting depth caused by soil wa ter re-distribution. The results from this study are helpful for irrigation planning for crops grown in different soils with different roo- ting depths.
Water Saving Irrigation