
飞机燃油供油系统性能退化与故障预测 被引量:7

Aircraft Fuel Feeding System Performance degradation and Failure Prediction
摘要 飞机燃油系统对飞机的安全性有着重大的影响。在飞机燃油系统中应用健康管理技术,可以达到有效保证飞机飞行安全的目的。通过分析飞机燃油供油系统的工作状况,研究了飞机燃油供油系统因供油增压泵叶片磨损导致性能退化的过程,并利用Simulink建立了相应的性能退化模型,仿真了整个性能退化历程。给出了相应的飞机燃油供油系统健康状态指数,并利用灰色预测模型进行了故障预测。为飞机燃油系统的健康管理打下了基础,具有理论和实际的工程应用价值。 Aircraft fuel system has a major impact on the safety of a plane. In order to guarantee the safety of aircraft,a techonology of PHM was used for aircraft fuel feeding system. The working conditions of aircraft fuel feeding system are analyzed; the process of performance degradation caused by the erosion of boost pump vane is studied. A corresponding simulation model is built with Simulink software and the process of performance degradation is simulated. The corresponding health indication of aircraft fuel feeding system is offered. According to the method above,failure is predicted with grey model. The research provides a foundation for the failure prediction of aircraft fuel feeding system. We believe that our research has some theoretical and practical engineering application value.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期209-215,共7页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 飞机燃油供油系统 性能退化 健康状态指数 故障预测 aircraft computer simulation corrosion erosion errors failure(mechanical) flow rate flowcharting forecasting fuels mathematical
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