为了避免、减轻霜冻对果树的影响或损失提供科学的依据,为深入了解侯马市霜及霜冻的气候特征,利用1983—2012年侯马市气象局地面气象观测的霜、地温、气温观测资料,借助数理统计、气候倾向率法、线性拟合等方法,对侯马市的霜及霜冻气候特征进行统计分析。结果表明,侯马市平均年霜日数为94天;霜日出现最多的年份出现在1995年(115天),最少的年份在1983年(63天);侯马市平均初霜日为10月23日,平均终霜日为4月4日;初霜日呈现出微偏晚的趋势,气候倾向率为0.22 d/10 a,终霜日也表现出偏晚的趋势,气候倾向率2.34 d/10 a。终霜日结束在4月初或4月中旬时,果树均有不同程度冻伤,若遇寒潮南下使气温骤降时,多数果树很有可能绝收。所以做好终霜冻的预报,适时采取防御措施,能够避免或减轻果树的冻伤程度,从而最大程度的减小果农的损失。
In order to avoid or to provide the scientific basis for reducing frost effects on fruit tree or loss,climate characteristics and frost tin- depth understanding of Houma city from 1983 to 2012, the HoumaMeteorological Bureau ground meteorological observation of hoarfrost, ground temperature, air temperaturedata, by means of mathematical statistics, climate tendency rate method, linear fitting method, to Houma Cityhoarfrost and frost climate characteristics of statistical analysis. The results show that, Houma city averageannual frost was 94 days; the frost appeared on most of the year in 1995(115 days), the least year in 1983(63days); Houma City, the average first frost date is October 23 rd, the average last frost date was April 4th; firstfrost date showing a slightly later trend, climate tendency rate is 0.22 d/10 a, the last frost date also showed thelater trend, climate tendency rate 2.34 d/10 a. The last frost date at the end of 4 early or mid April, fruit treeshave different degrees of frostbite, if south the cold air temperature pelter, most fruit is likely to crops. So doesthe last frost forecast, timely take defensive measures, frostbite can avoid or reduce the fruit, so as to minimizethe loss of fruit.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
climate characteristics
defensive countermeasures