[Objective] To explore the methods of isolating and identifying human endometrial cells for es‐tablishing a stable in intro culture system of endometrial cells .[Methods] The methods of collagenase diges‐tion ,sieve filtration and gradient centrifugation were employed for isolating epithelial and stromal cells for pri‐mary culturing .Cellular morphology was observed microscopically .Endometrial stromal cells (ESCs) and en‐dometrial epithelial cells (EECs) were identified by immunohistochemistry with cytokeratin and vimentin mon‐oclonal antibodies respectively .[Results] Endometrial cells could be isolated completely .Both EEC and ESC existed in culture and stained positively by immunohistochemistry .The purity of both cells were 24 .5% and 70 .5% respectively with a total purity of 95% .[Conclusion] A stable in vitro culture system of human endo‐metrial cells has been established for elucidating the physiologic and pathologic mechanisms of human endome‐trium and drug actions .
Journal of Clinical Research
国家自然科学基金资助项目(No:2008 - 30,872,762)