目的调查乐山市犍为县煤炭行业尘肺流行病学特点,探讨尘肺病防治措施,保护劳动者职业健康。方法通过收集尘肺病例诊断资料,调查犍为县煤炭行业现患尘肺病例,尤其是2001-2013年新增的1 169例尘肺病例,回顾分析尘肺流行病学特征。结果犍为县煤炭行业尘肺发病数逐年攀升,13年间年均新增90例,2013年达到318例;平均发病年龄和接尘工龄均在下降,以40-49岁年龄段居多,接尘10年以下发病比例达21.0%;首诊中Ⅱ期、Ⅲ期尘肺共占32.4%;发病工种集中在井下一线的采煤、掘进和采掘混合3类;总体平均晋期时间4.9±4.0年,尘肺合并肺结核比例5.0%。结论 2001年以来,犍为县煤炭行业尘肺出现快速增长趋势,发病高于乐山市平均水平,平均发病年龄和接尘工龄低于全市平均;平均晋期时间短,病情发展较快;首诊高期别尘肺患者比重较大,提示粉尘危害严重和职业健康监护工作滞后,尘肺发病形势严峻,防治工作亟待加强。
Objective To investigate the epidemiological features of pneumoconiosis in coal industry of Qianwei county and to discuss the prevention and control measures to protect the worker's occupational health. Methods Diagnostic data of pneumoconiosis were collected and pneumoconiosis cases in coal industry were surveyed,especially detailed information of the 1 169 newly increased cases in 2001-2013,to retrospectively analyze the epidemiological characteristics.Results The pneumoconiosis cases in coal industry were increasing annually and 90 new cases were averagely added in each year during the period,reaching to 318 in 2013. The mean onset age and time of dust exposure were both decreasing,mainly in 40-49 years,and the proportion of cases with exposure time under 10 years was 21. 0%. The second and third stage cases in initial diagnosis together took up 32. 4% of the total. The job types of the cases were mainly the front-line coal mining,coal tunneling and digging. The mean disease upgrade time was 4. 9 ±4. 0. A proportion of 5. 0% of the cases were combined with tuberculosis. Conclusion The pneumoconiosis incidence in the coal industry in Qianwei county is in rapid growth since 2001,faster than the mean incidence in Leshan city. Both of the mean onset age of pneumoconiosis and the mean time of dust exposure are decreasing. The proportion of the second and third stage cases in initial diagnosis is relatively high. Overall,the dust hazards are severe and the occupational health monitoring measures is lagged behind; in addition,the epidemic status is not optimistic and the prevention and control measure should be strengthened.
Occupational Health and Damage
coal industry
characteristic analysis