Taking Platanus hispanica ,Sophora japonica ,Fraxinus chinensis ,Magnolia grandi flora ,Ligustrun lucidum , Photinia serrulata , Buxus megistophylla , Ligustrurn quihoui , Pittporum tobira , Cedrus deodara , Sabina chinensis, Juniperus chinensis 12 road green trees as materials,to explore the differences of air pollutant amount accumulated byafforestation trees in X.inxiang,the foliage content of sulfur, lead and copper were analyzed. The results showed that the sulfur,lead and copper contents of tree leaves increased according to seasonal variation of spring and autumn,except for Ligustrun lucidum and Magnolia grandifLora. And the increment range of sulfur,lead and copper respectively was 18% -216%-385% and 270%-%. In comparison with cleaning area, the sulfur,lead and copper contenzs of all afforestation trees were relative higher than polluted area,and its increment range respectively was 9%- 223%, 37 % - 390% and 85%-374%. The green tree species were classified on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of leaves contaminant levels. Cedrus deodara and Magnolia grandiflora was classified to the first category and its leave contaminant level was relative higher. The second category included .,;gustrun lucidum, Fraacinus chinensis, Bantus megistophylla and Platanus hispanica. Their leaves contaminant contems were at medium levels, The third category included J uni perus ch inensis , So phora japonica Linn,Ligustrum quihoui , Sabinach inensis , P itl porum tobira and Photinia serrulata. Their leaves contaminant contents were at relative lower levels. Comparing cornprehensionly with the foliage sulfur,lead and copper contents of different type of afforest trees by membership function,it find that evergreen trees were the highest, followed by coniferous species,followed by deciduous trees,evergreen shrubs were the lowest.
Northern Horticulture
afforcst trees
sulfur content
lead content
copper content