目的为掌握近年煤业职工医院出院患者疾病谱的变动趋势及其分布特点;进一步了解影响煤业集团职工与周边居民健康状况的主要疾患,为医院管理与卫生体制改革提供参考。方法收集2009—2013年晋煤集团总医院43143例出院患者的出院诊断与治疗情况,及性别、年龄、职业等人口学特征。按国际疾病分类法(ICD-10)分类标准核准,运用SPSS17.0软件,统计第一诊断疾病分类及其分布特点。结果 2009—2013年住院患者人数呈逐年增加,5年中住院患者的前5位疾病分类相近,损伤与中毒始终居第一位,循环系统疾病、肿瘤位次略有前移,呼吸系统疾病近2年后移,而消化系统疾病顺位基本不变。其中,青少年以呼吸系统患病居多,中老年以循环系统疾病为主,中青年以损伤与中毒住院所占比重最大。本院各种疾病的住院患者中,均以男性居多。结论青、中、老年患者的疾病分布特征明显,损伤与中毒成为近年影响该区域职工及居民健康的主要问题。
Objective To investigate the changing trend and the distribution characteristics of the disease spec-trum in a staff hospital for coal industry in recent years, and to further understand the major diseases that affect the coal industry workers and the residents in the area of Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group, so as to provide evidence for hospital management and health reform. Methods We reviewed the diagnosis, treatment, and demographics includ-ing gender, age and profession, in 43 143 patients discharged from Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group General Hospi-tal between 2009 and 2013. The classification of diseases were validated with ICD-10 classification standard and the distribution characteristics by categories were analyzed with SPSS17.0. Results The number of hospitalization was increasing year by year from 2009 to 2013. The top five most diagnosed diseases were similar in the five years, where injury and poisoning ranked always the first, cardiovascular diseases and tumors had moved upward slightly in the se-quence, respiratory diseases had shifted downward in the lastest recent two years, and digestive system diseases basi-cally remained unchanged. Respiratory diseases were the most common diseases in children and teenagers, as were cardiovascular diseases in elderly population, and injuries and poisoning in young and middle-aged adults. Male gen-der was prevalent in hospitalized patients with all categories of diseases. Conclusion The distribution characteristics of diseases in this hospital shows an evident pattern related to age. Injury and poisoning has become the major health issue to the staff and the residents in this area during the recent years.
Chinese Remedies & Clinics
Disease spectrum analysis
International classification of diseases
Wounds and injuries