

Disembedding and Embedding: Alternative Multi-sited Ethnography——An Introspection of a Law Anthropology Research
摘要 对农村女性"民转刑"案件进行了转场的人类学研究实践方式,从监狱收集案件,转场至案件发生地,再转场至最终的田野点。认为田野调查的选点既是一个动态的过程,也是研究者不断尝试和反思的过程。 The transition from civil cases to criminal cases for rural women can be adopted the field point. In the field work,the process of looking for field point was divided into three steps: including female prison,one female prisoner's hometown,and another ordinary village. In response to the concept of multi-sited ethnography,this paper endeavors to explain the difference between multi-field work and multi-sited ethnography,and explores that seeking the field point is a dynamic process and the introspection of researcher.
出处 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2015年第2期30-34,共5页 Journal of Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities
基金 教育部青年项目"纠纷解决中的主体建构--对农村"民转刑"案件的法人类学研究"(12YJC840061) 国家社科基金青年项目"转型期社会不满情绪的法社会学研究"(12CSH013)
关键词 田野 个案 多点民族志 field case multi-sited ethnography
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