
中文篇章级句间关系自动分析 被引量:6

The Chinese Discourse Parser
摘要 篇章级句间关系分析包括语义单元的切分和各个单元之间的语义关系识别.已有的研究主要面向英文,到目前为止,尚无可用的中文篇章级句间关系自动分析系统发布.在中文篇章关系语料库的基础上,首次实现面向中文的篇章级句间关系自动分析系统,包括语义单元切分、连词识别、显式语义关系识别以及隐式语义关系识别等.实验结果显示:该系统在显式句间关系识别上F-score为89.8%,隐式句间关系识别上F-score为55.5%. Discourse relation analysis usually focuses on identifying elementary discourse units( EDUs) and recognizing the discourse relation between EDUs. Previous work on this topic primarily focused on English. To the best of our knowledge,there is no publicly available tool for Chinese discourse relation analysis. In the work,based on the human-annotated corpus,the first end-to-end discourse relation analysis system for Chinese,which includes elementary unit segmentation,discourse connective disambiguation,explicit relation recognition,and implicit relation recognition has been developed. In the experiments,the model achieves a F-score of 89. 8% in explicit relation recognition and 55. 5% in implicit relation recognition.
出处 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期124-131,共8页 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(61133012 61273321) 国家"863"前沿技术研究(2012AA011102)资助项目
关键词 中文篇章分析 篇章句间关系 语义单元 Chinese discourse parser discourse relation elementary discourse unit
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