以27份自交系南瓜为材料,选择出苗率和盐害指数为耐盐鉴定指标,从中筛选出了耐盐的南瓜NM083和不耐盐的南瓜XBZM,并以NM083为父本、XBZM为母本构建F2群体,结合集团混合分离分析法(bulked segregation analysis,BSA)筛选耐盐相关的分子标记。结果表明,在600条RAPD和44对SSR引物中,共有18个引物(10条RAPD和8对SSR)在双亲中显示出多态性,其多态性比例分别为0.43%和4.3%。最终筛选到RAPD引物P597,在双亲及基因池间能稳定扩增出片段大小为685 bp的差异条带。通过160个F2代单株耐盐性试验验证,表明耐盐的F2代单株中能扩增出差异条带,而不耐盐的F2代单株中不能扩增出差异条带,从而初步确定此差异性条带是与南瓜耐盐性紧密连锁的RAPD标记,从而为利用分子辅助育种加速耐盐南瓜新品种的选育提供有效标记。
In this study,salt-tolerant pumpkin NM083 and salt-susceptive pumpkin XBZM were screened by salt tolerance test,and the seedling emergence rate and salt injury index were used as the salt tolerance identification index.The F2 segregated population originating from a cross between pumpkin inbreed NM083(male parent,salt-tolerant)and XBZM(female parent,salt-susceptive) was constructed. Among 600 RAPD and 44 SSR primers,a total number of 18 markers(10 RAPD and 8 SSR) showed the polymorphism between two parents,and the ratio of polymorphism RAPD markers and SSR markers in two parents was 0. 43% and 4. 3%,respectively. Among 18 markers,one RAPD primer(P597) was screened out,which could amplify a polymorphic locus(685 bp) between two parents and between salt-tolerant and salt-susceptive bulks. The salt-tolerant test in 160 F2 segregated populations showed that the polymorphic locus(685 bp) appeared in salt-tolerant F2 segregated population but not in salt-susceptive F2 segregated population. It could be concluded that this band was the RAPD marker closely related with salt tolerance ofpumpkin,which could be used as the effective marker in molecular assisted selection of new varieties breeding of salt-tolerant pumpkin.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis