The transplanting period, density, the number of left leaves and fertilizer amounts of HQ No.1 were explored in Hengyang. The results showed that with transplanting periods of March 5-March 15, and planting space of 120 cmx(50-60) cm, agronomic and economic characters of tobaccos showed insignificant differences. Specifically, plant height was growing upon the number of left leaf and fertilizer amount; tobacco yield and output value kept increasing upon fertilizer, and both reached maximums with pure N at 195 kg/hm^2, showing significant differences with the treatment of pure N at 135 kg/hm^2; the number of left leaf had the least effects on agronomic and economic characters of tobaccos. The research indicated that highly-qualified HQ No.1 can be produced, given that tobaccos are transplanted during March 10-March 15, planting density of 15 000-16 500 seedlings/hm^2, the number of left leaves of 22-24 leaves per seedling, and pure N of 150-165 kg/hm^2 in Hengyang.
对自选烤烟新品系HQ一号在衡阳地区的移栽期、移栽密度、留叶数和施肥量等主要栽培技术进行了研究。结果表明,在3月5~15日移栽和120 cm×(50~60)cm的移栽株行距,烟株农艺性状和烟叶经济性状虽有一定差异,但未达显著水平。株高有随留叶数和施肥量增加而增高的趋势;烟叶产量和产值呈现出随施肥量增加而提高的变化规律,均以施纯氮195 kg/hm2的处理最高,与施135 kg/hm2处理间存在显著差异;留叶数对烟株农艺性状和烟叶经济性状的影响较小。综合试验结果,HQ一号在衡阳地区栽培,于3月10~15日移栽,种植密度为15 000~16 500株/hm2,留叶数22~24片/株,施纯氮量为150~1 785 kg/hm2,能够发挥HQ一号的特性,生产出优质烟叶。