

Progress of Free pre - pregnancy Health Checks in Liaoning Province
摘要 目的:了解辽宁省开展免费孕前优生健康检查项目的进展情况。方法:对辽宁省孕前检查信息系统中导出的数据进行整理,通过人群高风险率和知情同意签署情况等指标分析全省项目开展情况。结果:全省高风险发生率比较高,为29.13%;男性高风险检出率为22.55%;女性高风险检出率为34.37%,女性高于男性;单独女方的知情同意签署率为20.89%,单独男方的签署率仅为0.93%,有更多的男性未接受孕前健康检查。结论:国家免费孕前健康检查项目在辽宁省的试点工作进展比较顺利;根据各指标的结果,建议相关部门根据项目的进展情况及时积极调整工作思路和方案,以保证该项目在辽宁省的可持续发展,并收到预期降低出生缺陷发生的效果。 Objective: To carry out progress of free pre - pregnancy health checks in Liaoning province. Methods: Arrange the infor- mation from the system of pre - pregnancy health checks in Liaoning province, derived the situation of the project by the rates of crowd high -risk and informed consent signed or other indicators. Results: The incidence of the high -risk was higher, it was 29.13% in Lia- oning province; The high - risk rate of male was 29.13% and the high - risk rate of female was 34.37% ; Individually signed informed consent from the woman was 20.89% , signed by the man alone was only 0.93%, there were more men who did not receive pre - preg- nancy health cheeks. Conclusion: The progress of the countries free pre - pregnancy health checks project in Liaoning Province is rela- tively smooth; according to the Results of each index, suggested that the relevant authorities should adjust work plans and programs in a timely manner and actively according with the progress of the project to ensure the sustainable development of the project in Liaoning prov- ince and obtained the expected effect of reducing the occurrence of birth defects.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2015年第9期15-17,共3页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
关键词 孕前 健康检查 计划怀孕夫妇 Pre - pregnancy Health checks Couples planning a pregnancy
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