
在马克思主义与民粹主义之间——对恩格斯与特卡乔夫论战的反思(上) 被引量:2

Between Marxism and Populism: a New Reflection on Controversy between Engels and Tkachev
摘要 1874年,俄国民粹主义的洪流终于冲开了历史的闸门,它咆哮怒号、倾泻而下,思想之流变成了塑造社会历史的激进运动。正是在这一历史时刻,它与那个时代早已震撼欧洲并试图影响整个世界的另一股思潮——马克思主义——发生了全方位的遭遇。这场遭遇战的先锋战将,马克思主义一方是老将恩格斯,俄国民粹派一方是小将特卡乔夫。恩格斯与特卡乔夫之间的这场较量使19世纪两种激进主义形态被迫开始了相互冲击、相互消磨、相互蚕食而又相互交融、相互吸收、相互塑造的痛苦过程。从一定意义上说,不了解这一痛苦过程,就不能理解马克思晚年阅读、思考、写作的微妙变化,就不能理解俄国革命民粹主义的内在冲动及其缺陷,就不能理解列宁主义的理论渊源的整个复杂性,就不能理解马克思主义的俄国效应及其在东方社会的存在与演变形态。本文尝试还原这场遭遇战的来龙去脉、前因后果及其进行过程中的诸多细节,希望借此为人们反思马克思主义与民粹主义之间的"互构性"关系赋予一些激发性要素,同时也为人们审视当代"后马克思主义"接合民粹主义逻辑的努力提供更加深远的背景。 As the mighty torrent of Russian populism had burst and opened the gate of history in 1874, Populist thought current became the radical movements shaping the society and history. It is at this historical moment that Rus-sian populism fully encountered another type of radicalism, i.e. Marxism which had shook Europe and tried to exert a global influence. In this encounter action, fighter in the van were, Engels on Marxist side, and Tkachev on populist side. The controversy between Engels and Tkachev have forced two forms of radicalism in nine-teenth century to come to take offence against each other, incorporate each other, fritter away each other, assim-ilate each other, and shape each other. In some sense, if knowing not this correlative process, one could not comprehend the late Marx's subtle change in his reading, thinking and writing, not understand the inner im-pulse and the immanent shortcomings of Russian revolutionary populism, not learn the complexity about the theoretical source of Leninism, nor the Marxist effect on oriental society and its form of existence and transfor-mation.This article attempts to restate the context and causality and details of this encounter, in order to provide thinking resources for reflecting the constitutive relation between Marxism and populism, meanwhile reveal a wider and deeper background for examining the contemporary articulation of Marxism and populist logic.
作者 周凡
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期18-27,159,共10页 Academic Research
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