针对原有姿态测量系统陀螺仪存在累计漂移误差及加速度计容易受干扰的问题,本文设计并实现了一种应用于小型回旋翼飞行器的低成本测量系统,其基于梯度下降法融合系统中陀螺仪和加速度计的输出数据,补偿了四元数更新方程.同时,基于MSP 430实现了该姿态测量系统,实验结果表明梯度下降法能有效完成数据融合,提高姿态测量精度.
An attitude measurement system which is applied to small size quad-rotor aircraft is designed and implemented. In order to overcome low precision and easy to divergence of gyro and accelerometer, a new data fusion method is applied to fuse the information from gyro and aecelerometer. Based on gradi- ent descent, attitude fusion algorithm is used to compensate quaternion updating equation. Through the testing of the system, it is found that the data fusion method based on the gradient descent algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of attitude estimation.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology