
研究语言的新视角:语言和基因的平行演变 被引量:8

A new perspective in linguistic studies:Coevolution of languages and genes
摘要 跨学科研究语言学是时代使然。语言学应该多借鉴自然科学领域的研究及成果。对于人文科学来说,语言学是一门年轻的学科;对于自然科学来说,分子人类学是一门新兴的学科。结合两个学科(但不限于这两个学科)考察某些人群和语言,对语言学研究将大有裨益。 The combination of linguistics and molecular anthropology should be a new promising direction for linguistic research.Since the 1980 s,Cavalli-Sforza has tried to establish the correlation between genetic and linguistic trees.Pagel(2009) points out that languages and genes display a number of similarities in their evolution.Even though the agreement between the two trees is imperfect at a few points or nodes,the initial result is impressive.The point of departure is in a common sense:if human populations had a small African tribe as its ancestral population,which possessed a common gene pool and spoke the same language(s) or shared the same communication codes,then human genes should have diverged as languages did.However,today we know that although we might expect such a correlation,they have actually evolved at quite different rates.Despite of the progress in research,problems in the reconstruction of languages and genes do exist.In this paper,we claim that human sciences research can have breakthroughs only with the associated efforts of different realms.In this sense,much work needs to be done in human sciences and many gaps need to be filled.If we work on linguistic data together with archaeological and genetic evidence,we may be able to reconcile them to produce a more reliable picture of the history of different peoples and their languages.
作者 徐丹
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期215-226,252,共12页 Contemporary Linguistics
基金 法国ANR-12-BSH2-0004-01研究项目 法国法兰西大学研究院(IUF)的资助~~
关键词 跨学科 语言与基因 分子人类学 interdisciplinary language and gene
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