糖尿病性胃轻瘫(diabetic gastroparesis,DGP)是常见的糖尿病慢性并发症之一,其临床表现为胃动力障碍相关症状。DGP的发病机制目前尚未明了,大部分学者认为糖尿病患者在高血糖基础上可致内脏的自主神经病变、胃肠激素异常及微血管病变,使胃张力减弱和运动减慢。DGP治疗主要是在控制血糖的基础上促进胃肠运动,包括基础治疗、针对胃动力障碍的药物治疗、营养支持及非药物治疗等。促胃动力药是治疗DGP最常用的药物,多巴胺受体拮抗剂(如多潘立酮)、5-HT4受体激动剂(如西沙必利、莫沙必利)、红霉素等都获得良好的临床效果。DGP的中医中药治疗也取得较大进展,多种经方和自拟方的临床取效明确,但还缺少足够的临床证据,因此DGP的药物治疗还需要进行设计更严格的高质量随机对照研究。
Diabetic gastroparesis (DGP) is one of the common chronic complications of diabetes, and its clinical symptoms are related to gaslric motility disorder. The pathogenesis of DGP is not yet clear. Most scholars believed that visceral autonomic neuropathy, gastrointestinal hormone abnormalities and microvaseular lesions caused by hyperglycemia in diabetics could make stomach tension weakened and gastric motion slowed down. Based on blood glucose control, DGP treatment is mainly to promote gastrointestinal motility, including foundation treatment, drug therapy for gastric motility disorders, nutritional support and non-drug treatment. Prokinetic drugs, such as dopamine receptor antagonists (eg domperidone), 5-HT4 receptor agonists (eg cisapride, mosapride ), erythromycin,are commonly used in treating DGP, and have achieved good clinical effects. DGP treatment by traditional chinese medicine has progressed greatly and some elassical prescriptions and self-prescriptions have gotten obvious clinical curative effects. HOwever there is still a lack of clinical evidence. Therefore, high qualitive research on DGP drug therapy needs to be more stringently designed with randomized control.
Journal of Logistics University of PAP(Medical Sciences)
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetie gastroparesis
Prokinetie drugs