文章利用Aspen Plus软件建立了一个完整的生物质快速热解制生物油的流程模型,并详细描述模型的建立过程,模型包括原料的预处理、快速热解、焦炭和不冷凝气体的燃烧3个部分。通过对日处理2 000 t玉米秸秆的快速热解制生物油工厂各工段进行模拟,结果表明,整个生产过程各种形式的能耗为468.73×109J/h,能量产出为531.6×109J/h,能量产出大于能量消耗;将能量折算成标准煤用量后可知,生产1 kg生物油的能耗相当于0.758 8 kg标准煤,同时产出的能量相当于0.860 6 kg标准煤;焦炭的燃烧量为总量的86%时,可以满足快速热解过程的能量需求。
This paper setted up a complete process model of biomass fast pyrolysis for bio-oil by Aspen Plus software.The model included pretreatment of raw materials, fast pyrolysis, combustion of char and non condensing gas. Simulated each part of the factory for bio-oil by fast pyrolysis with capacity of 2 000t/d corn stover, the results showed that energy consumption for the whole process was 468.73×10^9J/h and the generated energy was 531.6×10^9J/h,which indicated that generated energy was greater than the energy consumption;The energy consumption of producing 1kg bio-oil was equivalent to 0.758 8 kg standard coal,while the generated energy was 0.860 6 kg standard coal;When the amount of char conbustion was86% of the total, which could meet the energy requirements of fast pyrolysis process
Renewable Energy Resources