古油水界面的识别可以很好地研究油气成藏后油水界面的变迁和调整过程,为油气成藏过程以及油气勘探研究提供很好的证据。应用含油包裹体丰度法和定量颗粒荧光技术对库车坳陷迪北地区侏罗系阿合组储集层的古油水界面进行了识别,结果表明,依南4井和依深4井阿合组存在古油藏,古油柱高度在100 m以上,依南5井阿合组未发现古油藏,显示为油气运移的通道。结合库车坳陷构造演化史和烃源岩热演化史,认为中新世吉迪克组沉积中后期(17×10^6~12×10^6a),三叠系烃源岩处于生油高峰期,生成的原油运移至侏罗系阿合组,并在古构造高部位的依南4地区和依深4地区富集,形成古油藏。古油藏的识别为迪北地区油气成藏过程研究以及勘探方向的选定提供了有利证据。
The area with muhiphase hydrocarbon charges and multistage tectonic movements allows the oil and gas accumulation process research to be more difficult. This paper presents the oil-water contact identification of the Jurassic Ahe reservoir in Dibei area of Kuqa depression using oil inclusion abundance approach and quantitative grain fluorescence technique. The results show that there exists the palaeo -oil reservoir of Ahe formation in Yinan-4 and Yishen-4 wells with oil column height of over 100 m, and in Yinan-4 well, no Abe oil reser- voir is found, but it plays a part in hydrocarbon migration pathway. Combining the tectonic evolution and the hydrocarbon generation histo- ry in Kuqa depression, this paper suggests that during the Middle to Late Miocene, the Triassic source rocks are in peak period for oil gener- ation, making the generated oil migrate up to the Jurassic Abe formation and form the paleo-reservoir in Yinan-4 and Yishen-4 wells that located at structural high. The delineation of palaeo-oil-water contacts in this area can provide a reliable and advantageous evidence for study of the hydrocarbon accumulation process and determination of the exploration target in the future.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology