
AWRA-L模型估算区域林冠降雨截留量 被引量:7

AWRA-L model for simulating interception of rainfall loss in large scale
摘要 目前模拟林冠截留的Gash模型的应用多是针对某一特定点或特定林分开展,而在区域范围内的应用国内尚无报道,在国外也仅见其在澳大利亚水资源评价系统AWRA.L模型中的应用。该研究介绍了AWRA-L(Australian water resources assessment-landscape)模型,并利用GI_。ASS LAI遥感数据结合浸水法获得的林冠持水量,使用该模型对试验点白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk.)天然次生林2013年的林冠截留进行模拟。结果显示,基于Van等改进过的Gash模型的AWRA.L模型和基于Gash(1979)模型的AWRA—L(1979)模型,对累积林冠截留模拟的绝对误差分别为-4.4和1.5 mm,相对误差分别为-8.7%和3.0%;对于单场降雨林冠截留的模拟结果显示,2模型的模拟误差值分别为(-0.15±1.64)和(-0.03±1.39)mm,模拟值与实测值之间无显著差异。研究结果说明结合GLASS LAI遥感数据,AWRA-L模型可以应用于区域范围林冠截留的模拟,模拟结果较好。 The application of the Gash model to simulate canopy interception is mostly on the study plot or a specified forest, and the application in a landscape scale is only reported in the Australian Water Resource Assessment system (AWRA-L). This study introduced the AWRA-L model, and aimed to simulate the interception loss of the natural secondary forest of birch (Betulaplatyphylla Suk.) during 2013 in China. The GLASS LAI data and submerging method were used to get the canopy capacity for different periods. The leaf area index (LAI) value obtained before germination was assumed to be the area of branches and trunks. While the LAI value obtained after germinationwas the area of the leaves, branches and trunks. The differences between the LAI values after and before germination were the area of leaves when the growing of branches and trunks was ignored. The submerging method showed that the water capacity of leaves and stems per unit area were 0.17 and 0.33 mm, respectively. The capacity of branches and trunks was 0.23 mm. The capacity of leaves was 0.04-0.51 mm. The mean canopy capacity was 0.60~0.14 mm. The intercept method showed the canopy capacity and the trunk capacity were 0.62 and 0.04 mm, respectively. The whole capacity of the birch forest in its over ground parts was 0.66 mm. The canopy capacity by the submerging method and the intercept method was not significantly different (P=0.23). Considering of the high canopy cover fraction of the birch forest, both the simulating results of AWRA-L model based on Van model and the AWRA-L(1979) model based on Gash (1979) model were discussed in the paper. For the 25 rain events measured during the experiment, the simulating errors of the cumulative interception loss obtained from the AWRA-L model and the AWRA-L(1979) model were -9.2 and -1.7 ram, respectively. The relative errors were -14.8% and -2.8%, respectively. Both the AWRA-L model and the AWRA-L(1979) model underestimated the interception loss. When the rain event on June 8 with t
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期137-144,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划(2011BAD38B0503)
关键词 模型 遥感 降雨 林冠截留 叶面积指数 Gash AWRA-L 白桦 models remote sensing rain canopy interception leaf area index Gash AWRA-L Betula platyphylla Suk.
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