Chang6 reservoirs in Huaqing, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, are of typical ultra-low permeability. Waterflood- ing technology in horizontal wells can improve effectiveness of oilfield development. How to optimize fracture design is the key to im- prove lhe development effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the oil-reservoir characteristics, the fracture length from the horizontal well, the number of stimulated intervals, fracture distribution patterns, and construction parameters are optimized by comtfining with iujector-prnduccr patterns. The suitable stimulation parameters are proposed fbr horizontal wells in uhra-low permeability Chang6 reservoirs of Huaqing oilfield. Field practice of 24 horizontal wells shows that the combination of the parameters has better adaptability. The production rate of horizontal wells reaches 10.3 t/d, 5 times as many as that of vertical wells. This can be reference for parameter optimization of fracturing horizontal wells in similar reservoirs.
tra-low permeability reservoir
horizontal well
induced fracture
optimal design