

Investigation of effects of tobacco control in schizophrenia patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
摘要 目的:对长期住院精神分裂症合并肺结核的患者进行控烟,探索其可行性及控烟对患者的影响。方法:通过各种方法分散患者注意力,控制患者每天的吸烟量。回顾性分析控烟3年来患者对控烟的态度以及对呼吸道感染的影响。结果:患者能配合管理,逐渐习惯少吸烟,5人戒烟;呼吸道感染率逐年下降,由31.7%下降至4.9%(P<0.05)。结论:控烟有利于精神分裂症患者的康复并提高生活质量。 Objective:To control tobacco for long-term hospitalized schizophrenia patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, in or-der to explore its feasibility and effects. Methods:Various means were used to distract the patients to control their daily tobacco quan-tity. The attitudes on tobacco and effects of tobacco control on respiratory tract infections of these patients in three years were retrospec-tively analyzed. Results:The patients could go with the management and gradually decreased their tobacco quantity, wherein 5 pa-tients stopped smoking. The rates of respiratory tract infections declined gradually from 31. 7% to 4. 9% (P<0. 05). Conclusions:Tobacco control is in favor of ward management, is conducive to the patient's health, and can help to improve the quality of life of the patients.
作者 叶福平
出处 《中国民康医学》 2015年第8期106-108,共3页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
关键词 精神分裂症 肺结核 控制吸烟 呼吸道感染 Schizophrenia Pulmonary tuberculosis Tobacco control Respiratory tract infection
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