With production and growth of Mongolian Nationality movies, along with more advanced creation concept and audio-visual language, its music also evolves. Mongolian Nationality movie mu- sic in the early times, centered around description and labels of ethnic customs, mainly presented the borrow of finished music works or heavy use of original movie songs. In new era, Mongolian Na- tionality musical material has been widely used, revealing distinctive ethnic music features. With re-gard to musical structure, it turns mature. As for audio-visual counterpoint, it breaks the limit of au- dio-matching-visual and values profiling of music. In the 21st Century, Mongolian Nationality movie music begins to return to the original, with focus on musical influence on narration and depiction of underlying ethnic cultural mentality and feelings. More documentary movies employed life elements and expression of emotions to restore the natural condition, whose poetic charm softened tough image style.
Studies in Culture and Art
movie music
Mongolian Nationality movies
nationalization of movie music