进入21世纪以后,技术进步已经成为推动地区经济发展的重要动力之一。文章依据上海市2001—201 2年期间的相关数据,以索洛余值法为基础,推算出上海市历年来技术、资金以及劳动力对经济增长的贡献率,并判断上海市历年来的经济增长模式。研究发现:上海市经济增长主要是通过技术进步来推动的,并且正处于从粗放型经济增长向集约型经济增长转变的关键时期。
After entering the 21 st century, technological progress has become one of the driving forces to promote regional economic development. Based on Solow Residual Method and the data during 2001 to 2012 of Shanghai,the paper makes an analysis on the contribution of technology, capital and human resources to Shanghai's annual economic growth and its growth model. The analysis shows that Shanghai's economic growth results mainly from technological progress and it is experiencing a key period from extensive economic growth into intensive one.
Productivity Research