
网络时代大学生政治效能感及其影响因素研究——基于中国矿业大学的问卷调查 被引量:2

Chinese College Students' Political Efficacy and Its Influencing Factors in the Internet Era——A Sample Survey of China University of Mining & Technology( CUMT)
摘要 网络的普及使学生网民数量不断扩大,大学生的网络政治参与及政治效能感问题越来越受到关注。在梳理文献的基础上,采取分层抽样的方法对中国矿业大学在读全日制本科生的互联网使用、线下政治参与、网络政治参与、政治信任以及政治效能感进行问卷调查,发现大学生的性别、网龄、上网时间和上网内容等对其政治效能感、政治信任、政治参与有一定的影响。网络环境下大学生的政治参与行为、政治态度、价值观念等得到某种程度的催化,表现为对自我认知能力的提升,对网络意见领袖及其他群体观点的免疫力的下降等;线下政治参与和网络政治参与的目的都是为了获得政府的回应,实现各自的利益诉求,而且大学生线下政治参与越多,其外在政治效能感便越强。 With the popularity of the network and the increase of student netizens,the online political participation and political efficacy of college students have received increasing attention. On the basis of literature review,we have adopted stratified sampling method to survey the college students' use of internet in CUMT,offline political participation,political trust and online political participation,and the results indicate that the college students' gender,age,time spent online and content they browsed have a certain influence on their political efficacy,political trust,political participation. The behavior of political participation,political attitude and values of college students are catalyzed to a certain extent in the internet era,taking the form of higher level of cognitive ability and the immunity of the opinion leaders and other groups view,etc. The aim of offline and the online political participation is to get the government's response and to satisfy their interests. The more offline political participation,the stronger the college students' external political efficacy is.
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期52-59,共8页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 网络时代 大学生 政治效能感 政治参与 internet era college students political efficacy political participation
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