

The Correlation Analysis Between Jfactor and Other Informetrics Indicators
摘要 [目的/意义]研究基于开放式引文数据库提出的新型期刊评价指标Jfactor以及其与传统文献计量学指标的关系,分析Jfactor的特点,并对我国期刊评价提出启示。[方法/过程]结合统计学方法,利用SPSS软件对高能物理领域期刊的指标数据进行相关性分析,主要包括Jfactor与impactfactor、5-yearimpactfactor、eigenfactorscore,同时将指标之间作比较研究。[结果/结论]相关分析结果表明,Jfactor与impactfactor相关性最强,其次是5-yearimpactfactor,与eigenfactorscore的相关性相对最弱。相对于impactfactor,Jfactor的计算数据更加透明,而且充分考虑了开放数据对论文引用的影响,对我国期刊评价具有重要的研究价值。 [Purpose/significance[ Jfactor based on open citation database is proposed to assess the journal impact. The paper aims to analyze the correlation between Jfactor and other informetrics indicators and study how to apply Jfactor into journal evaluation in China.[ Method/process] Using correlation analysis method, studied the correlation between Jfactor and other informetrics indicators, mainly including impact factor, 5 - year impact factor and eigenfactor score. [ Result/conclusion] Taking journals in high energy physics as an example, the result shows that Jfactor has the higher correlation with impact factor than 5 - year impact factor and eigenfactor score. The data that used to calculate Jfactor is more transparent and public. Jfactor combines impact factor with open data plenty and is a valuable benchmark for journal evaluation in China.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期93-99,共7页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于科学基金项目及知识产出的研究前沿探测"(项目编号:71373260) 中国科学院西部之光联合学者项目"基于计算情报方法的甘肃省战略新兴产业技术创新竞争与发展研究"(项目编号:Y200201001)研究成果之一
关键词 Jfactor 期刊评价 相关性 计量指标 Jfactor journal evaluation correlation informetrics indicators
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