Mesenchymal stem cells, due to their characteristics are ideal candidates for cellular therapy. Currently, in culture these cells are defined by their adherence to plastic, specific surface antigen expression and multipotent differentiation potential. However, the in vivo identification of mesenchymal stem cells, before culture, is not so well established. Pre-culture identification markers would ensure higher purity than that obtained with selection based on adherence to plastic. Up until now, CD271 has been described as the most specific marker for the characterization andpurification of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. This marker has been shown to be specifically expressed by these cells. Thus, CD271 has been proposed as a versatile marker to selectively isolated and expand multipotent mesenchymal stem cells with both immunosuppressive and lymphohematopoietic engraftment-promoting properties. This review focuses on this marker, specifically on identification of mesenchymal stem cells from different tissues. Literature revision suggests that CD271 should not be defined as a universal marker to identify mesenchymal stem cells before culture from different sources. In the case of bone marrow or adipose tissue, CD271 could be considered a quite suitable marker; however this marker seems to be inadequate for the isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from other tissues such as umbilical cord blood or wharton's jelly among others.
Mesenchymal stem cells, due to their characteristicsare ideal candidates for cellular therapy. Currently,in culture these cells are defined by their adherenceto plastic, specific surface antigen expression andmultipotent differentiation potential. However, thein vivo identification of mesenchymal stem cells,before culture, is not so well established. Pre-cultureidentification markers would ensure higher purity thanthat obtained with selection based on adherence toplastic. Up until now, CD271 has been described asthe most specific marker for the characterization andpurification of human bone marrow mesenchymal stemcells. This marker has been shown to be specificallyexpressed by these cells. Thus, CD271 has beenproposed as a versatile marker to selectively isolatedand expand multipotent mesenchymal stem cells withboth immunosuppressive and lymphohematopoieticengraftment-promoting properties. This reviewfocuses on this marker, specifically on identificationof mesenchymal stem cells from different tissues.Literature revision suggests that CD271 should not bedefined as a universal marker to identify mesenchymalstem cells before culture from different sources. In thecase of bone marrow or adipose tissue, CD271 couldbe considered a quite suitable marker; however thismarker seems to be inadequate for the isolation ofmesenchymal stem cells from other tissues such asumbilical cord blood or wharton's jelly among others.