AIM:To evaluate the long-term effect of aerobic and/or anaerobic exercise on glycemic control in youths with type 1 diabetes.METHODS:Literature review was performed in spring and summer 2014 using Pub Med/MEDLINE,Google Scholar,Scopus,and Science Direct with the following terms:aerobic,anaerobic,high-intensity,resistance,exercise/training,combined with glycemic/metabolic control,glycated haemoglobin A1c(Hb A1c) and type 1diabetes.Only peer-reviewed articles in English were included published in the last 15 years.It was selected from 1999 to 2014.Glycemic control was measured with Hb A1 c.Studies with an intervention lasting at least 12 wk were included if the Hb A1 c was measured before and after the intervention.RESULTS:A total of nine articles were found,and they were published between the years of 2002-2011.The sample size was 401 diabetic youths(166 males and 235 females) with an age range of 10-19 years except one study,in which the age range was 13-30 years.Study participants were from Australia,Tunisia,Lithuania,Taiwan,Turkey,Brazilia,Belgium,Egypt and France.Four studies were aerobic-based,four were combined aerobic and anaerobic programs,and one compared aerobic exercise to anaerobic one.Available studies had insufficient evidence that any type of exercise or combined training would clearly improve the glycemic control in type 1 diabetic youth.Only three(two aerobic-based and one combined) studies could provide a significant positive change in glycemic control.CONCLUSION:The regular physical exercise has several other valuable physiological and health benefits that justify the inclusion of exercise in pediatric diabetes treatment and care.
AIM: To evaluate the long-term effect of aerobic and/ or anaerobic exercise on glycemic control in youths with type 1 diabetes. METHODS: Literature review was performed in spring and summer 2014 using PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Scopus, and ScienceDirect with the following terms: aerobic, anaerobic, high-intensity, resistance, exercise/training, combined with glycemic/metabolic control, glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and type 1 diabetes. Only peer-reviewed articles in English wereincluded published in the last 15 years. It was selectedfrom 1999 to 2014. Glycemic control was measuredwith HbA1c. Studies with an intervention lasting atleast 12 wk were included if the HbA1c was measuredbefore and after the intervention.RESULTS: A total of nine articles were found, andthey were published between the years of 2002-2011.The sample size was 401 diabetic youths (166 malesand 235 females) with an age range of 10-19 yearsexcept one study, in which the age range was 13-30years. Study participants were from Australia, Tunisia,Lithuania, Taiwan, Turkey, Brazilia, Belgium, Egypt andFrance. Four studies were aerobic-based, four werecombined aerobic and anaerobic programs, and onecompared aerobic exercise to anaerobic one. Availablestudies had insufficient evidence that any type ofexercise or combined training would clearly improvethe glycemic control in type 1 diabetic youth. Onlythree (two aerobic-based and one combined) studiescould provide a significant positive change in glycemiccontrol.CONCLUSION: The regular physical exercise hasseveral other valuable physiological and health benefitsthat justify the inclusion of exercise in pediatricdiabetes treatment and care.