
道光年间台湾问题中英交涉与外交折冲——以新发现《来往文书》《台湾奏折上谕》为中心的考察 被引量:1

The Diplomatic Negotiation on Taiwan between China and UK in the Reign of the Daoguang Emperor: With a Special Focus on Diplomatic Documents and The edict of Taiwan Memorial
摘要 鸦片战争时期相当数量有军事情报价值的外交照会流失海外,学界对于耆英、伊里布等关于台湾问题的交涉因缺少中英往来的诸多照会而多语焉不详。大英图书馆藏道光年间《台湾奏折上谕》《来往文书》等两类外交照会档案汇编,基本为国内学界所未涉及。分析这两类外交文书的内容及表达修辞,可以较为全面地解读道光年间国与国之间"全权"钦差大臣的行动轨迹及其策略,清方对英方军事及商贸态度等,反映了清政府在谈判过程中的主动或被动、清方外交策略和姿态,以及《南京条约》前后清帝国外交策略及其操作的差异,涉及传统中国外交理念时空意义上的转向。这些外交照会涉及英军侵略中国台湾及其遭到的反击等,关涉战争道义乃至国家领土能否完整等历史转折,意义重大。 Abstract: The negotiation between China and Britain on Taiwan is an important diplomatic event during the Daoguang period. Diplomatic documents often expressed active or passive positions and the compromised attitude of the Qing govern- ment towards British military threat and commercial trade. And the rare literature in British Library entitled Diplomatic Doc- uments and The Edict of Taiwan Merorial has reflected the Qing diplomatic strategy, including the changes of diplomatic concept. Analysis of these diplomatic documents, we can draw a conclusion that the Qing Empire diplomatic strategy and its operation is quite different after the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, involving the transformation of the time and space in the traditional Chinese diplomacy. These issues are of great significance, because they refer to a historical turning point like the morality of war and the integrity of national territory, etc.
作者 王天根
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期73-87,共15页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"大英图书馆藏清代珍稀史料辑录及考释"(13BXW011) 教育部新世纪人才支持项目"‘通中外’语境下中国近代报刊政治功能探索"(NCET-13-0642) 安徽省学术和技术带头人培养资助项目(J05201419)
关键词 《来往文书》 《台湾奏折上谕》 中英关系 Diplomatic Documents, The Edict of Taiwan Memorial, China-UK relations
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  • 7《中国近代史资料丛刊·鸦片战争》(六),上海:上海人民出版社、上海书店出版社,2000年,第327-328、287页. 被引量:1
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  • 1《台湾镇总兵达洪阿等奏报生擒英兵并究出奸民通敌情形折》,《鸦片战争档案史料》第5册,第198页. 被引量:2
  • 2《著赏加达洪阿太子太保衔等并著开单保奏出力员弁事上谕》,《鸦片战争档案史料》第5册,第260页. 被引量:1
  • 3Capt. Denham's Mr. Roop's Joumals, The Chinese Repository, vol. 12, pp. 115-117; vol. 14, pp.299--304. 被引量:1
  • 4John. Ouchterlony, The Chinese War : An account of all the operations of the British forces from the commencement to the treaty of Nanking. London: Saunders and Otley, 1844, pp. 496-511. 被引量:1
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  • 6D. Mcpherson, Tow Years in China: Narrative of the Chinese Expedition. London: Saunders and Otley, 1842, pp. 235-237. 被引量:1
  • 7E. C. Bridgman etc. (eds.), Shipping at Hongkong. The Chinese Repository, vol. 12, pp. 46-47. 被引量:1
  • 8Peter Ward Fay, The Opium War, 1840-1842. The University of North Caroline Press, 1975, pp.311-312. 被引量:1
  • 9List of the Rrew and Passengers of the Brig. The Chinese Repository, vol. 12, p. 114. 被引量:1
  • 10《台湾镇总兵官达洪阿等奏报(英船)又驶至鸡笼口滋扰已被击退情形折》,中国第一历史档案馆编.《鸦片战争档案史料》第4册,天津古籍出版,1992年,第295-297页. 被引量:1











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