粪生真菌孢子是重建大型食草动物种群密度及其所处历史时期的生态状况的一个重要的潜在指标;其含量的变化可以很好地指示大型食草动物种群的出现、规模的下降、种群的灭绝以及过去的环境变迁。其中,Podospora,Sordaria和Sporormiella 3种类型的孢子指示性最好。Sporormiella与巨型食草动物的灭绝息息相关,例如,运用Sporormiella含量的变化很好地指示了北美晚更新世巨型食草动物的灭绝。粪生真菌孢子除了指示过去大型食草动物的活动,还能对一些古环境变化具有很好的指示意义,如:Neurospora指示本地火灾;Glomus在土表以下生长,因此,其在湖相沉积中的出现可以用来指示该流域的土壤侵蚀;Type 18和type-18b指示湿度;Type200-type、Type 12-type和Type 306-type指示干旱;湖相沉积中突然大量出现的Kretzschmaria deusta,可以指示暴雨对森林土壤的侵蚀等。一些真菌孢子可以反映宿主-寄生关系,如Amphisphaerella dispersella可以很好地指示杨属植物的存在。当然,其他孢子的指示性还需要进一步的研究。简单地介绍了粪生孢子的研究方法、原理和最新进展,并对一些生境指示性比较好的粪生孢子进行了图示和描述。并指出,粪生孢子作为一个有价值的新指标,可以结合孢粉分析等技术手段,应用到今后国内古生态学的研究中去。
Spores of fungi growing on feces have been highlighted as an important potential proxy to reconstruct large herbivore densities in past landscapes.In more recent studies of sediments,changes in the abundance of spores of these fungi have been used as a proxy to define megafaunal population presence,decline,and extinction.Podospora-,Sordaria-and Sporormiella-type are the most reliable indicators of large herbivore population densities.Records of Sporormiellaspores are directly linked to the extinction of megaherbivores,for example,a few recent studies have used Sporormiellaas a proxy to test hypotheses and to draw conclusions regarding the causes of the end-Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in North America.In addition to the information based on coprophilous fungal taxa,some other fungal spore types,are valuable paleo-environmental indicators,the ascospores of Neurosporaindicate local fires.The chlamydospores of Glomus grow below the soil surface and therefore the presence of chlamydospores in lake deposits indicates soil erosion in the lake catchment.Some other fungal taxa show a host-parasite relationship,like Amphisphaerelladispersellathat is linked to the occurrence of Populus.Type 18 and type-18 bindicate humidity and Type 200-type,Type 12-type and Type 306-type droughts.Sudden maxima appeared in the presence of ascospores of the tree-parasite Kretzschmariadeustain lake deposits indicate the erosion of forest soils during rainstorms,and so on.Further research is needed,however,to improve identifications for other less common types to ensure that they become robust and reliable indicators.Some fungal spore types which are good indicators for local environmental conditions have been illustrated and interpreted.In China palynological studies including the analysis of fungal spores have not yet been carried out so far.In this paper,a brief introduction to research methods and principles is given,and recent advances of records of fossil dung fungal spores are given,as these fungi are valuable new indicators for d
Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology