Suixi Station is an intermediate one located in Zhanjiang railway terminal. For the project of new Hepu-Zhan-jiang line, it is planned to build an additional untwining connecting line in Maoming direction in the station. The station will be expanded according to“four-entrance—four-departure” up yard and down yard. According to the characteristics of reconstruction scheme and existing features of the station and in combination with the demand of transportation produc-tion, the construction transitional scheme based on signal transition model is determined. The paper analyzes in detail the reconstruction difficulties of the existing equipment, principles and methods of the construction transition, and compares the influence of the signal with different transition models on the transition period, construction organization, project cost and transport organization. Study result shows that signal the transition model of"new station building-new station type"is more reasonable and can effectively save the transition engineering costs and reduce the interference of transportation. Finally, based on the signal transition mode, a reasonable detailed transition program and specific construction transi-tional step shall be developed to ensure the reconstruction and expansion of the station can be implemented successfully.
High Speed Railway Technology
Suixi station
construction transition
signal transition