
阻抗控制子宫内膜切除系统在宫腔疾病治疗中的应用价值 被引量:4

Application of Navosure impedance controlled endometrial ablation system in treating the intrauterine disease
摘要 目的 评价阻抗控制子宫内膜切除系统(Novasure)在因宫腔疾病(<3 cm的息肉或黏膜下肌瘤)引起的异常子宫出血(AUB-P和AUB-LSM)治疗应用的可行性、安全性及有效性.方法 选取201 1年12月至2013年6月在嘉兴市妇幼保健院接受阻抗控制子宫内膜切除治疗的30例宫腔疾病患者行追踪研究,随访1年,观察疗效及并发症.结果 30例均顺利完成手术治疗,手术时间60 ~120(84±6)s,术中出血<10 ml.术后1、3、6及12个月的整体有效率分别为100%(30/30)、96.67%(29/30)、93.33% (28/30)、96.67%(29/30);闭经率分别为76.67%(23/30)、70.00%(21/30)、70.00%(21/30)、76.67%(23/30);治疗满意度分别为100%(30/30)、96.67%(29/30)、96.67%(29/30)及96.67%(29/30).术中及术后均未出现严重并发症.结论 应用阻抗控制子宫内膜切除系统治疗宫腔内病变(<3 cm的息肉或黏膜下肌瘤)引起的异常子宫出血是安全有效的,且具有临床推广意义. Objective To explore the feasibility,safety and effectiveness of treatment by Novasure system in abnormal uterine bleeding caused by endometrial polyps (AUB-P) or uterine leiomyomas up to 3 cm (AUB-LSM).Methods From June 2011 to June 2012,30 women with abnormal uterine bleeding caused by AUB-P and AUB-LSM were treated by NoveSure system.The clinical efficacies and complications were followed up at months 1,3,6,12.Results All operations were completed successfully.The mean operative duration was (84 ± 6) (60-120) s.The volume of blood loss was < 10 ml.And the follow-up period was 1,3,6 and 12 months.The effective rate was 100% (30/30),96.67% (29/30),93.33% (28/30) and 96.67% (29/30) respectively.The rate of amenorrhea was 76.67% (23/30),70% (21/30),70% (21/30) and 76.67% (23/30) respectively.The degrees of satisfaction were 100% (30/30),96.67% (29/30),96.67% (29/30) and 96.67% (29/30).No severe perioperative or postoperative complications occurred.Conclusion Navosure system is both safe and efficacious for abnormal uterine bleeding caused by AUB-P and AUB-LSM.And it is worth wider popularization.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期515-518,共4页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 嘉兴市科技局基金(2013AY21050-6)
关键词 异常子宫出血 阻抗控制子宫内膜切除系统 子宫黏膜下肌瘤 子宫内膜息肉 Abnormal uterine bleeding Navosure system Uterine leiomyomas Endometrial polyps
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