Based on the temperature and precipitation data of 551 stations from 1961 to 2000,the distribution characteristics of temperature and precipitation in different seasons of China were researched by using SVD method.Resuhs showed that the relationship between interannual variation of temperature and precipitation in Xinjiang and Heilongjiang areas in spring was significantly positive, the interannual variation of precipitation in spring and temperature in summer,autumn and winter in Northern Xinjiang,lnner Mongolia and Heilongjiang was significantly negative.The relationship between interannual variation of precipitation in summer and temperature in Northern Xiujiang in summer was significantly positive.The relationship between the interannual variation of precipitation and time coefficient of the first modal of precipitation was significantly negative in Northern Xinjiang, Tibet, Shandong Peninsula and Heilongjiang area in winter.The relationship between precipitation in spring and the temperature in spring and summer in China was significantly dissimilar, and the relationship between precipitation and the temperature in China in winter was isotropic.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology