
欧美基于馆际互借的读者决策采购对我国学术型图书馆的启示 被引量:7

Overseas Practices of Patron Driven Acquisition Based on Interlibrary Loan and Its Revelation to Academic Libraries in China
摘要 基于馆际互借的读者决策采购因获取时间快、后续流通率高、单次流通成本低等优点,被欧美图书馆广泛使用。通过总结欧美图书馆基于馆际互借的读者决策采购的实践经验,包括采选标准、工作流程、评估方法以及实用工具的介绍,为国内馆际互借用于馆藏发展和合作馆藏发展提供借鉴。 Patron driven acquisition based on interlibrary loan was widely used by overseas libraries for its quick turnaround time, high subsequent circulation and low cost per use. Through summarizing overseas practices of patron driven acquisition based on interlibrary loan, including criteria, workflow, estimation and the introduction of functional tools, it is expected to provide references for using interlibrary loan for collection development and cooperative collection development in China.
作者 杨薇
机构地区 厦门大学图书馆
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期13-19,共7页 Journal of Academic Libraries
关键词 馆际互借 读者决策采购 欧美 馆藏发展 学术型图书馆 Interlibrary Loan Patron Driven Acquisition Overseas Collection Development Academic Libraries
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