为了满足搭载V6 3.0L发动机的目标车辆在动力性和经济性方面的设计要求,制定了CA7CH350D湿式双离合器自动变速器的总体结构方案。对双离合器自动变速器特殊关键零部件如同步器、驻车机构和换挡机构的结构、布置形式和性能参数进行了分析计算,确定了自动变速器系统集成时各部件的连接形式与空间布置关系。对系统集成后的整车进行了道路测试,车辆的动力性和经济性满足设计需求。
To meet the design requirement of the vehicle powered by V6 3.0 engine in dynamic property and economy, we develop the general structure plan of CA7CH350 D wet dual-clutch transmission. Structure, package and performance parameters of the major components of the DCT such as synchronizer, parking mechanism and shifting gear are analyzed and computed, and the correlation between connection form and spatial arrangement of the components is defined when the DCT system is integrated. Road test is carried out to the vehicle with the integrated transmission system, which shows that the vehicle dynamic property and economy satisfy design requirement.
Automobile Technology