目的探讨异位妊娠的治疗方法与结果、异位妊娠部位、手术方法选择与人群分布。方法 2013年1月至2014年3月于成都市青白江区妇幼保健院治疗的153例异位妊娠患者资料纳入本研究,回顾性分析治疗方法与效果、异位妊娠部位、手术方式选择与人群分布。结果腹腔镜治疗占全部治疗方法的64.05%,无一例患者发生失血性休克及死亡,输卵管壶腹部妊娠占84.17%,67.24%接受手术的患者选择保留输卵管,无生育史的异位妊娠占42.48%,其中73.85%的未生育患者有人为流产史。结论腹腔镜手术为治疗异位妊娠的主要方法,治疗效果好;选择保留输卵管的患者明显增加;未生育者发生异位妊娠比率大幅增加,与其人工流产密切相关。
Objective To explore the treatment of ectopic pregnancy, the pathogenic factors and population distribution. Methods Retrospective analysis of 153 cases of patients with ectopic pregnancy from January 2013 to March 2014 in our hospital. The treatment methods and results, the position of eetopic pregnancy, the pathogenic factors and population distribution were analyzed. Results Laparoscopic treatment of total therapy was 64.05%, without hemorrhagic shock and death occurred in all patients; the ampullary of fallopian tube pregnancy accounted for 84.17 % ;ectopic pregnancy without childbearing history accounted for 42.48 % ;and there were 73.85% patients with improper abortion,67. 24% patients accepted operation in patients chosen to retain oviduct. Conclusion The laparoscopic operation had become the most important method in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Artificial abortion may lead to tubal blockage or obstruction and become pathogenic factors of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurred nearly half of patients who did not have childbearing history. Since most of the patients have artificial abortion history, using standard strategy to cure genital tract inflammation, strengthen sex education and take the right contraceptive measures can reduce the incidence of ectopie pregnancy,improve women's health.
Journal of Chengdu Medical College
Ectopic pregnancy