目的探讨噻托溴铵与沙美特罗/氟替卡松在慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者中的临床治疗效果。方法对来我院诊治的80例COPD患者入院资料进行分析,将其分为两组。对照组采用沙美特罗/氟替卡松联合治疗,实验组联合噻托溴铵治疗,比较两组的治疗效果。结果实验组有效率达95%,高于对照组(85%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组呼吸困难评分为(2.33±0.12)分,低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);第1秒用力呼气量为(55.00±7.33)%、6 min步行试验为(336.25±61.57)m,高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组ADL评分为(16.2±3.7)分,躯体功能评分为(59.6±7.5)分,心理功能评分为(65.8±9.2)分,社会功能评分为(57.2±6.5)分,均高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论慢性阻塞性疾病发病率较高,临床上采用噻托溴铵与沙美特罗/氟替卡松联合治疗效果理想,值得推广使用。
Objective To investigate the clinical therapeutic effects of tiotropium bromide and Shah Mette Lo/fluorine fluticasone propionate on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods Eighty cases of patients admitted to our hospital data were divided into two groups. The control group used the Shah Mette Lo/fluticasone combination therapy,the experimental group combined with tiotropium bromide treatment, the therapeutic effect was compared between two groups. Results The effect of experimental group was 95%,was higher than that of the control group(85%),the difference was significant(P〈0.05); The experimental group dyspnea score of(2.33±0.12),was lower than that of the control group,the difference was significant; the first second forced expiratory volume for(55.00±7.33)%, 6 minutes walk test for(336.25±61.57)m, higher than that of the control group, the difference was significant(P〈0.05); Experimental group ADL score(16.2±3.7),physical function score(59.6±7.5), psychological function score(65.8±9.2), social function score(57.2±6.5), was higher than that of control group(P〈0.05). Conclusion The pathogenesis of chronic obstructive disease rate is higher, the clinical use of tiotropium bromide and Shah Mette Lo/fluorine ideal fluticasone propionate combined therapeutic effect, is worthy to be popularized.
China Modern Doctor
Tiotropium bromide
Shah Mette Lo/fluticasone
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease